open courses

Open courses registration continues

It’s worth being fast, as it saves money. The next registration period ends on 31.5.2025.

Open courses (recreational orienteering) registration

You can register for the open categories in advance or on-site. By registering in advance, you ensure faster route choices at the orienteering week arenas, and starting to orienteer will be easier. We recommend registering in advance!

The participation right purchased for the competition day of the open categories also grants access to the World Championship finals arena in Neulaniemi for the middle and long distances, as well as to Puijo for the relay finals.

You can rent an Emit card from the open categories info desk for 20 €/week or 6 €/day. A fee of 95 € will be charged for unreturned Emit cards.

Advance registration

You can pre-register at a discounted participation fee for the entire week or individual days until June 22, 2025. Registration is possible on-site at on-site prices from July 7 to July 12, 2025.

Registration using the form:

  • Open the registration form by clicking the “Register” button.
  • Fill in your details on the form.
    • “Nimi” Surname and first name
    • “Sähköposti” your Email address
    • “Puhelinnumero” Phonenumber
    • “Seura” Club
    • “Kilpailukortin numero” EMIT-card number
    • “Syntymävuosi” Year of birth
    • “Kansalaisuus” Citizenship
    • “Osakilpailut” Competitions (races)
    • “Lisätiedot” Additional information
    • “Maksukategoria” Payment category
  • Select the “Competitions” you are registering for. If you are registering for the entire week, select all five competitions.
  • In the “Payment Category” section, choose your payment method. For online payments, Paytrail’s payment methods (online banking, card payment, mobile payment, and invoice and installment payment) are available.
  • You can register multiple people at once by selecting “Add another registration” at the end of the form before submitting it.
  • After entering your details, select “Submit registration.” If you chose online payment, you will be directed to Paytrail’s payment service. Follow the Paytrail instructions and pay participation fee.
  • You are now registered for WOC Tour Open courses.
  • You can check your registration via the “Registration check” button.
  • Note: Please review the terms of cancellation and changes policies before registering.

Pre-registration Payment Methods:

  • Online banking (Finnish banks)
  • Card payment (Visa, Mastercard, American Express)
  • Mobile payment (MobilePay, Pivo, Applepay)

Note: Payment with sports benefits is only possible on-site at the Open Series info desk.

On-site Registration

Upon arrival, you can purchase participation rights (including a map and a number bib) for one day or the entire week at the open series info desk or the World Championship arena ticket office. With the participation rights purchased from the ticket office, you can collect your number bib from the info desk.

Payment methods for on-site registration:

  • Card payment (Visa, Mastercard)
  • Mobile payment (MobilePay)
  • Exercise benefits

If you encounter any issues with registration or have any questions related to it, please contact the WOC Tour competition office at

Participation Fees

Open courses (recreational orienteering)
Price tier
1. tier 30.9.20242. tier 31.12.20243. tier 31.5.2025Late registration 22.6.2025On-Site
Open courses70 €15 €80 €17 €85 €19 €90 €21 €30 €
Open courses (under 14 years old)40 €9 €45 €11 €50 €13 €55 €15 €20 €
Family-RR*40 €9 €45 €11 €50 €13 €55 €15 €15 €

* Control course includes RR-maps for the entire participating family and one EMIT-card