WOC TOUR 7-12 July 2025

Terms of cancellation and changes

WOCTOUR FIN5-ORIENTEERING WEEK Cancellation and Change Terms (Terms of Service)

Kuopion Suunnistajat ry
Business ID: 0207871-7
Rovastinkatu 7 C 34
70600 Kuopio
Email: tourinfo@woc2025.fi
Phone: +358 45 2314 747

Please review the cancellation and change terms before registering. By registering for the event through the IRMA service, Holvi online store, or Navisport service, participants acknowledge that they have accepted these event cancellation and change terms.

Registration and Participation Rights
Participation rights can be reserved and paid for by providing the required information, accepting the registration, and paying the registration fee using the PayTrail payment service. All customer information is handled confidentially. The contact information requested during registration is used only for processing the registration or resolving any ambiguities, unless otherwise stated. The WOC Tour Fin5-Orienteering Week privacy statement, in accordance with the Data Protection Regulation, can be read here. By registering for the Orienteering Week, you are expected to have read and committed to the current cancellation and change terms.

Payment Service Provider
The payment intermediary service and payment service provider is Paytrail Oyj (Business ID: 2122839-7), in cooperation with Finnish banks and credit institutions. Paytrail Oyj appears as the recipient of the payment on the account statement or card invoice and forwards the payment to the merchant. Paytrail Oyj has a payment institution license. In case of complaints, please contact the product supplier first.
Paytrail Oyj,
Business ID: 2122839-7
Innova 2
Lutakonaukio 7
40100 Jyväskylä
Website: https://www.paytrail.com/en/consumer/information-about-paying

Cancellation and Change Terms
The participant accepts the event cancellation and change terms when registering for the event through the IRMA service, Navisport service, or Holvi online store.

  1. Cancellations of Registrations
    1. If the participant cancels their participation by May 31, 2025, the participation fee will be refunded, minus the processing fee. A processing fee of 15 € per competition day will be charged for the cancellation. If the participation fee is less than 30 €, a processing fee of 5 € will be charged.
    2. If the participant cancels their participation after May 31, 2025, a refund of the participation fee requires the presentation of an official medical certificate or other written justification to the event organizer. A refund of 50% of the participation fee will be granted upon presentation of an official medical certificate or equivalent.
    3. If the participant has paid the participation fee with a sports benefit, the fee cannot be refunded in the case of cancellation according to the guidelines of the Finnish Tax Administration.
    4. The participation fee is determined according to the registration tier (payment date), meaning the fee for the competition in the tier in which the participant registered. If the participant has paid for and reserved an emit card during registration, the rental price of the emit card is included in the participation fee.
    5. Cancellations of registrations should be reported to the competition office at tourinfo@woc2025.fi.
  2. Category Changes
    1. Category changes are possible free of charge until May 31, 2025. After that, a processing fee of 15 € will be charged for category changes. Category changes are not possible after Friday, July 4, 2025.
    2. Costs of category changes until May 31, 2025:
      1. If the participant changes from a more expensive category to a cheaper one, any excess participation fee will not be refunded.
      2. If the participant changes from a cheaper category to a more expensive one, the difference between the participation fees of the two categories will be charged.
      3. Category changes should be reported to the competition office at tourinfo@woc2025.fi.
  3. Changes to Emit Numbers
    1. In competitive categories, changing the Emit competition card number is free of charge until June 22, 2025. You can change the Emit number yourself directly in the IRMA service until June 22, 2025, or by notifying our office at tourinfo@woc2025.fi. From June 23, 2025, Emit number changes can only be reported via email to tourinfo@woc2025.fi. A processing fee of 15 € will be charged for changes made after this date.
    2. In open categories (recreational orienteering), changes to the Emit card number are free of charge. Changes should be reported in advance by email to tourinfo@woc2025.fi or on-site at the info desk.
  4. Event Postponement or Cancellation
    1. If the event has to be postponed due to unforeseen circumstances or a state of emergency (Force Majeure), all registrations made and paid for the event up to that point will automatically be transferred free of charge to the newly announced date of the event.
    2. If the event has to be postponed due to unforeseen circumstances or a state of emergency (Force Majeure) and the participant cancels their participation thereafter, the participation fee will be refunded. A processing fee of 15 € per competition day will be charged for the cancellation. If the participation fee is less than 30 €, a processing fee of 5 € will be charged.
    3. If the event has to be completely canceled due to unforeseen circumstances or a state of emergency (Force Majeure), the participation fee will be refunded. The organizer will charge a processing fee of 15 € per competition day for the cancellation. If the participation fee is less than 30 €, a processing fee of 5 € will be charged.

Contact Information

For questions related to registrations, participation fees, or category changes, you can contact the competition office at tourinfo@woc2025.fi.